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Frederick Diart – Painter Extraordinaire in the Roannais !

Frédéric Diart was born in 1966, and now has his home and studio near the Roannais in the Rhône-Alpes region.

He is a painter of extraordinary imagination, originality, and creativity.

In his early years, between 1989 and 1991 he developed groups of paintings on paper, cardboard, sheets of lead or aluminium, and using industrial paints and watercolours. He also featured letters as motifs within the organized space of his canvasses.

Throughout the 1990’s he developed his style and approach, and experimented using small and medium formats and adopted vertical imaging rather than that of landscape.

He progressed after abandoning paints and industrial resins, using polyvinyl acetate, including increased application of solvents and paint strippers.

Systematic use of stencils and different alphabet sizes, and larger 2 metre- square productions.

From the end of the 1990’s and into 2000 and the new millennium, he continues to create, using mixed pigments and abrasives. The effect is imagery of illegibility and liquidity.

He also experiments with fine unprepared fabrics and the reactions to different tensions. Incorporating organic glues (bone, sinew, skin), and for certain canvasses, cattle blood. Decay and mildew within the canvasses results in a natural organic retraction effect.

From 2003 to 2006 he also combines crumpled, undone, shapeless canvasses, which wind around a partial deposit of material. Still using solvents, colour is applied to the back of the canvas with the solvent penetrating the applied layers of the material on the canvas, bringing colour back to the surface.

Frédérick Diart continues to be extremely prolific in the production of amazing artworks on a grand scale.

If you want to know more, or want to arrange a viewing of his works at first hand, let us know through our special Art section – The Pure Art Gallery

Or e-mail Brian Franklin direct at:

The Pure Art Gallery
