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Le TricoloreLiberté, Egalité, Fraternité!!!

Well, I thought I would just add a note to commemorate the recent celebrations in Roanne on the famous 14th July.

For the first time I watched the magnificent firework display at close range. All organised for the event on the the Pont du Coteau in Roanne, over the Loire river, near Roanne Port.
At a cost of over 30,000 euros(approx. £24,000), the local community certainly mean business when it comes to investing in one of their most celebrated days of the year!
Of course, the results were impressive. I watched the fantastic display from the balcony of my French friends' apartment (7 floors up!). With an absolutely spectacular view of the town and bridge, and, therefore, of the dramatic display.


The dazzling show lasted about 30 minutes.

Well worth the effort!
The storming of the Bastille in Paris occurred on 14th July, 1789.
While the medieval fortress and prison, known as The Bastille contained only seven prisoners, its fall was the flashpoint of the French Revolution, and it subsequently became an icon of the French Republic.Finale!!
In France, Le quatorze juillet (14th July) is a public holiday, formally known as the Féte de la Fédération (Federation Holiday). It is usually called Bastille Day in English.Sans Cullottes, wearing iconic Phrygian caps and tricolor rosettesPrise de la Bastille by Jean-Pierre-Louis-Laurent Houe!