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Wherever you may Dwelle! Smart Eco-living with a Difference.



A range of carefully designed buildings that are highly sustainable, fast to erect and extremely adaptable.

The award winning “” can achieve zero carbon status, potentially meet Passivhaus standards and if doubled-up

(which can be done at a later date), will meet Lifetime Homes Standards.

The building concept responds effortlessly to the occupants’ requirements, however varied. It can be personalised

from the outset, but can easily change to meet individual tastes and preferences over time.

The simplicity of the system will support different internal configurations and will allow it to be easily extended, either

extruded along the length, or doubled-up.

It can be a small one bedroom home, a family home, a holiday home, an office, a classroom, a gym, or even a church!


Dwelle Group Image


More to come on this fascinating concept developed by highly creative and exciting architect – Ric Frankland. All in our future editorial, so watch this space!